
pinag-isa kami ng katopakan, pinagbuklod pa ng kalokohan, kami ang tropang metopak, oh yeah... wapak!

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1Safe Room     Empty Safe Room Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:16 am


Watching the local news on tv shows an alarming rise in crime fatalities which ironically happened within the confines of one's home. Criminals do not respect any person's turf as long as their evil deeds are carried out. What then is an option we have to avert this situation?

The main reason for people to build a safe room is fear of assault from a home invasion robber or fear of abduction if you are wealthy. Anyone can make a safe room with little effort and expense. Just select a room or large closet that has no windows or skylight. Install a solid core wood or steel door and hang it so it opens outwards. Replace wooden the doorjam with a steel one or reinforce the door trim with steel angle bars to prevent the door from being kicked open. For wood doorjams install three inch screws in the hinges and in the heavy-duty lock strike plates that cut deep into the doorframe studs. Use keyless deadbolts to prevent keys from falling into the wrong hands. Stock room with emergency items such as first aid kit, flashlight, cell phone and self defense weapon. Remember to make the room blend in with the rest of your house or apartment.

•Always have a family plan for when and how to use the safe room and practice it
•Stock safe room in advance with essential items (h2o, crackers or canned goods, first aid kit, a cellphone with charger, radio and batteries, flashlight, at least a handgun with spare ammo)
•Always routinely charge the cell phone in the safe room
•Always call police and do not exit the safe room till they arrive. Remember they can not harm you if you are inside. REMAIN CALM

Having a plan and being prepared is key:

No one as the right to harm you or the one's you love, but violence can touch your life at any time. When it does and you are not mentally prepared to deal with it you will freeze in fear. To avoid this you need to develop a survival mindset. Imagine and visualize what actions you would take to fight of an attacker and how you will escape. Be as realistic and vivid as possible, so you address your worst fears and overcome them.

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