
pinag-isa kami ng katopakan, pinagbuklod pa ng kalokohan, kami ang tropang metopak, oh yeah... wapak!

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1Trilogy       Empty Trilogy Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:24 am


The Heart and The Mind

the mind can never understand
what the heart knows full well
because the heart seldom resorts to logic
which confuses the mind

the mind measures
and hates the immeasurable
the heart does not measure
and smiles at the immeasurable

The Vicious Circle

we lose our health to make our wealth
we lose our wealth to regain our health

we live as if we will never die
we die as if we never lived

we are so busy with daily tasks
yet we are so bored in being so busy

we look for meaning in meaningless things
and overlook things fraught with meaning

we have no time for others
yet we waste our time in absurd undertakings

Irony of Ironies

there are times
when not planning
is the best plan
when whispering is
more easily heard than shouting

there are times
when gentleness
is more forceful than force
when blindness
can make you see

there are times
when the wisdom of a child
is deeper than that of a sage
when sitting in darkness
can induce meditation

there are times
when sickness
can make you strong
and pain
can make you resolute

there are times
when the thought of death
can make you alive
and life can make
you wish for death

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